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Understanding 4 Types of Headaches

Understanding 4 Types of Headaches

Headaches are a common ailment, and according to the World Health Organization, nearly everyone has experienced one at some point. Dehydration, hormonal fluctuations, sleep deprivation, and even intense exercise are all common causes of headaches. But it’s not just the headache triggers that can vary from person to person: the type of headache can also vary.

Regardless of the type, headaches, especially chronic ones, can quickly take a toll on your quality of life. That’s why Dr. Benjamin Taimoorazy offers a variety of headache treatment options here at Beverly Hills Migraine & Pain Management Institute.

4 types of headaches

Different types of headaches require different treatments. Depending on the cause and type of headache, we may recommend nerve blocks, intra-articular injections, cervical epidural, Botox®, trigger point injections, and MiGuard δΈ€ a nutritional supplement developed by Dr. Taimoorazy.

1. Chronic headaches

Headaches are considered chronic if you have more than 15 daily headaches per month. They may be classified as any of the following four types of headaches:

Tension headaches

Tension headaches are the most common type of headache, and they often occur due to too much tension in your neck and/or scalp muscles. The increased muscle tension becomes head pain, often feeling like you have a tight band around your head.

Physical stress or activities that add tension to your muscles (including grinding your teeth) can trigger a tension headache. However, physical stress isn’t the only cause of increased muscle tension. Other triggers include emotional stress, caffeine withdrawals, illnesses (including the flu), eye strain, tech neck, and fatigue.

Cluster headaches

Cluster headaches are less common than tension headaches, occur in sets or groups that last from weeks to months, and cause pain around or behind your eyes. You might also notice restlessness, facial sweating, a stuffy nose, and a droopy eyelid. 

Allergy headaches

As the name suggests, allergy headaches are related to allergies. Normally, your sinuses are air-filled cavities, but if you have allergies, your sinuses may be congested with mucus. This can contribute to an allergy headache, sometimes called sinus headaches. Allergy headaches often include facial pain, tenderness (near your sinuses), and other allergy symptoms such as itchy, watery eyes. Because many people experience seasonal, or even year-round, allergies, allergy headaches can bother you for months at a time.

Avoiding the allergens that trigger your allergies and managing your symptoms with medication can help.

Migraine attacks

Migraine attacks are the most debilitating type of chronic headaches and are notorious for affecting your ability to function and perform day-to-day tasks. Migraine attacks are intense headaches that can last for up to 72 hours at a time. In addition to throbbing pain, you may also experience nausea, visual and auditory aura, and sensitivity to light and/or sound. These symptoms exacerbate pain and discomfort and lead to missed work days and social events.

Bright lights, certain foods, additives or preservatives, artificial and/or strong fragrances, and hormonal fluctuations are potential migraine attack triggers.

2. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure headaches

If you don’t have enough cerebrospinal fluid, it can cause a headache. CSF leaks are the main cause of this type of headache, and the pain can range from severe to nagging. Having too much CSF can also cause a CSF pressure headache.

3. Cervicogenic headaches

Anything that affects your cervical spine (neck) can contribute to the development of a cervicogenic headache. This includes fractures, whiplash, and arthritis. 

4. Post-concussion headaches

Post-concussion headaches form as a result of a blow to the head. Headaches are a common example of persistent post-concussion symptoms. Other symptoms include fatigue and dizziness.

Getting relief for your headaches

With so many potential headache triggers, it’s important to identify the type of headache you have and any potential triggers. Dr. Taimoorazy is a headache expert who starts each treatment plan with a comprehensive exam, review of your symptoms and medical history, and analysis of imaging if needed. Whether you need injections, medication, or supplements, trust that we can guide you with your next steps toward relief.

To learn more about your potential headache relief treatments, schedule a consultation at our Beverly Hills or Northridge, California, office. You can reach either office at 424-302-0289 or through our online form

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